Most Crusader builds can work well with either a one-handed or a two-handed weapon, switching out Heavenly Strength for Fervor, depending on the better weapon drop you get. But most of the time the numbers still favor two-handers, especially now in patch 2.1. To get the most out of a one-handed build, one has to take full advantage of attack speed and staggered short … [Read more...]
Diablo 3 Class Builds
Here you'll find an archive of Diablo 3 class builds, along with some build mini-guides with additional notes and tips. We encourage you to submit builds as well. If you're using a build that you'd like to recommend, please fill out this short form and send it to us for inclusion in this category.
Fiery Wrath Crusader
In keeping with our attempts to provide elemental diversity, we offer you a Crusader with a fire theme. The overwhelming majority of Crusaders are speccing holy at this time, which makes me wish the auction house was still around to get dirt cheap fire gear. Skills Actives Slash + Crush Most Slashers opt for Zeal, but we want Crush for the crit boost. Sweep Attack + … [Read more...]
The Shocker: An Electrifying Wizard Build
Don’t get us wrong, Frozen Orb is still king, but the Devs are encouraging damage diversification for a reason. And since you can only reroll one property on each piece of gear, here is a fun little way to make use of all that lightning gear you keep throwing away. Skills Active Electrocute + Arc Lightning It’s a very wide, short cone, but you’ll get the hang of aiming … [Read more...]
The Walking Explosion: A Demon Hunter Build
There is more than one way to fire explosives from a crossbow. Blizzard has recently featured an interesting Demon Hunter build that is centered around the Rocket rune for the Strafe attack. In our previous rocket-based Demon Hunter build, we noticed how easy it was to swap the rockets for grenades. Intrigued by this strafe idea, today we’re going to experiment and see if the … [Read more...]
Lots-o-Hammers Crusader Build
This is a sit-back-and-spam kind of Hammerdin + Clones build that's good once you've found a comfortable difficulty level to farm in, preferably complemented with 2 ranged groupies & maybe a Barb. I ran T2 rifts "comfortably" on my 700k-DPS 5mil-Toughness Crusader with a whirlwind Barb who would mop up stragglers around me, plus a DH & Frozen Orb Wiz doing DPS from … [Read more...]
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