There is more than one way to fire explosives from a crossbow. Blizzard has recently featured an interesting Demon Hunter build that is centered around the Rocket rune for the Strafe attack. In our previous rocket-based Demon Hunter build, we noticed how easy it was to swap the rockets for grenades. Intrigued by this strafe idea, today we’re going to experiment and see if the … [Read more...]
The Rocket Launcher Demon Hunter
The Antithesis of Rapid Fire Tired of the same old retread Demon Hunter builds? Consider shifting things up with this high-octane Demon Hunter rocket build. But be warned, the following variation requires a bit more precision than most. Instead of aimlessly spamming your Hatred spender, you must hold back a bit, lining up your shots carefully for devastation. Active … [Read more...]
Demon Hunter Build: Sting Like a Butterfly
Several demon hunter players have already cleared T6 Malthael. It's a powerful class, but it requires more finesse to play than a barbarian or crusader. Most of your skills boost your avoidance. Instead of surviving hits, you dodge and jump away without taking a scratch. Your main attack, Entangling Shot, slows enemies by 60 percent, and Smoke Screen and Vault let you get out … [Read more...]
Demon Hunter Demolitionist
After playing for nearly a week in Reaper of Souls, I've settled into a build that I'm really enjoying. The build is somehwat gear dependent, and while I'd prefer not to promote such types of builds, this one is pretty great if you can acquire at least one of the items. One of the first Legendaries I snagged while out adventuring in Act V was Emimei's Duffel. Upon first … [Read more...]
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