…or “Fury traffic Light” as Mike Nicholson, the Senior Artist for Diablo 3, put it. Blizzard is working a new system for Barbarians that is much like the rage system in World of Warcraft.
A Barbarian’s fury will be the reverse of mana, in the sense that it builds up while in a battle where hostile attacks are being received and delivered. Currently the developers are using a “Traffic Light” style interface for this system. The fury meter as it were, is a graphic containing 3 spheres, one on top of each other. Around the sphers is a runic bar-type graph that shows the rate of fury gained and lost. As more fury builds up, the sphers start to glow.
I’m assuming some of the more powerful barb skills will probably require all three spheres to be charged so to speak. So far the system looks great to me. The graphic is appealing and looks just eye-catching enough to where a player will be able to see his gains without the meter being a distraction from gameplay.
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