is streaming live Diablo 3 Beta footage as I’m writing this, so click the link if you want to watch what a low level melee Wizard is capable of. ๐
Even more exciting… in fact, much more exciting… they are giving away a Diablo 3 beta key! All you have to do for your chance to win is post a comment saying why you deserve to win the Diablo 3 beta key. Convince them that you’re the most hardcore and deserving Diablo fan ever, and you may just find yourself hacking and slashing your way through the dungeons below New Tristram as early as tomorrow.
They’re also taking vistor calls live via Skype, allowing players to ask questions about the game as well as request to see different skill demonstrations during the live stream. will be announcing a winner tomorrow, Friday, September 23rd.
Head over there now to get in the D3 Beta key Giveaway. Get on it!
Zurukin says
I’d like a Diablo3 Beta key because I want to get a head start with my build and find out my play style so that I can beat Diablo even faster when the game comes out >:)
Terry Johnson says
I NEED a Diablo III Beta key because its phenominal and I will play it for 16 hours a day and post all my feedback on the forums.
Mike says
I been a fan of diablo since i was a little kid, now im turning 22 soon and would really want to see diablo 3 in action. Theres never been a game ive played that EVER gave me the feeling like i get playing diablo! Choosing a class and defeating all enemies that get in your way before clashing head to head with the ELITE BOSS youve been searching for! then collecting the godly items you get after you send him back to hell.
If theres somebody who should get a crack at diablo 3, It should be somebody whos been with diablo since day 1 and that would be me! A true fan.
lord. sssspot says
I would like to rule the world. I’v been a diablow god for very long time.
Now it its that i come to diablo 3. With my elite skills and knowledge of the game i will
rule all.
All will know the awsome power of Lord. SSSSpot.
(invite pending)
muuuuhaaahahhahahhaa.. ha…
Just sayin says
I totally deserve a beta key, because I was able to figure out by myself that
– this is not nerdyblog, so posting here is useless
– the contest ended almost two weeks ago.
Naow can I haz beta plz?
funkyjunkie says
so i can tell my boss to jam it and go back to the old days of daily fixes of diablo
daniel says
its simple the game look great and i have 3 week of vacation to play 20 hour a daya nd test lot of stuff to get the game better and release faster and i am tired of checking my battlenet acount 30 time a day because somehow ic annot give up on it lol
HauLo says
I deserve a beta key because I have EVERY blizzard game in my profile, and I’ve bought 4 copies of diablo 2 and 4 copies of LOD because i played the game until my cd-drive ruined the cd. That is, until they put out patch that didnt require the cd anymore, and made everything accessible on the website and my cd-keys were then saved. I deserve a betakey because im diehard diablo to the bone. On top of all that, I will stream and comment for those who are looking for streams and can’t find anybody because the people who DO have keys… aren’t testing. They are just playing. Im gonna stand in everycorner until my character is lost. Then let blizz know.
HauLo says
fuck a contest real talk tho
Cipha says
I deserve to get a Beta Key because:
This game is so great. I have played Diablo 2 for years, and watched all information about Diablo 3. Only for Diablo 3 i go to the Blizzcon this year. Iam a big fan of Blizzard, they make great games.
lagopatis says
All games of blizard was epic and still is .. i played diablo 2 and i like it a lot …thats why i need a beta key for diablo rock the game ๐
Adam St-Germain says
I was a game tester for 2 summers before i started Programing
when i was 15 i would play Diablo2 for hours!
now i’m 24 and I STILL play diablo 2.
I owned Hardcore classic Diablo2.
I really want a diablo 3 beta key!
Thank you,
Adam St-Germain
Dean Brignell says
I would love my Diablo 3 beta key and believe i deserve one because:
I had played the Diablo 2 for many years, even after most people had stopped and moved on to bigger and (more mediocre things) I was even present in the latest patch which took a godawful amount of time but was still worth it, and have climbed up each ladder as it reset and each time cursed those who got in front of me.
I traveled through all acts trying to do as much as possible and tossing over every corpse/hidden stash/goo pile and sarcophagos looking for hopeful items. I played a high MF sorc and destroyed Diablo over 1000 times(it felt like) for him to drop around 100 stupid cathan necklaces only to finally relinquish that beutiful Tal Rasha, and i believe that those who are “randomly” chosen will only touch on some of the features and i do not feel they will be able to enhance the game as much as some of us who were veterens.
Oh and an 86 HC Werewolf Druid lost his life fighting the evil, i feel he should be avenged!
Losti says
I’d like to own the Diablo 3 Beta Key because i had birthday on 15.10. and i will be happy over presens like this. I played Diablo 2 all the time with the beginning of the stress test. I’d like to continue the tradition of Blizzard-Game beta testing, never missed a beta Key even WOW, SC2…. NOW its time to continue this career
kissass says
yeah im just gunna ask for one…. i’m not gunna jazz it up by saying i play diablo 2 for 20 hours a day, because most of you people are lying, and just spent 30 minutes figuring out the perfect thing to say in 2 extremely long paragraphs for a contest that might not even be legit lol
LPzSaint says
I diserve a cd key because i play this game since diablo 1 exist at playstation 1, plus im a real fanatic and legit player of this game.. Pleaseee youre my only chance battle net dont give beta cd key in my disctict ( Quebec ) thx a lot !
mistkiss says
im the best choice for d3 beta keys because i goes whoooooooooooooooooopzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz whuoopppppppppppppppzzzzzzzzzzzz
Ferdinand says
I on behalf of icelandic players would like a key, i live in Norway so i qualify for a test, and that way i can brag to my friends in iceland about playing that theyll want this game so bad CAUSE ITS THE BEST FRIGGIN GAME SERIES EVER MADE !
The Duke says
Because Blizzard made me play WoW and SC(HA) before they would release D3. It’s all I ever wanted in life!
Jyinx says
I need a beta key because iv never played a diablo game and this looks like a game i should play
Kristoffer R. P says
Id like beta key, cause i have waited for years for this game and love everything about diablo, ive completed diablo 1 & 2 so cant wait for this one ๐
maga says
I deserve beta key, because i’m too sexy without a key. ๐
snorlax says
need key too pwn dem nubs
chai says
I need diablo3 beta key because I like diablo2 somuch.