A few dozen screenshots have been posted online featuring some of the higher end gear sets in Diablo 3. Feedback on these newly discovered sets has been mixed, as they are… well… pretty freaking over the top. Although they’re not as ‘cartoony’ looking as World of Warcraft gear, some of them look a bit too outrageous for the Diablo universe.
Check out Sauron here…
Overall, I think that the Demon Hunter and Witch Doctor have a couple of nice options, but I’m not feeling the Barb gear too much, and some of the Monk sets look absurd. The Wizard gear is alright, but a few of the sets look a little too armored up for a caster.
However… nothing can top this new Monk set, worn by a very aptly named character…
Fear the Derp!
You can check out this entire gear sneak preview over in the Diablo.IncGamers.com forum.
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