Many players wonder if item durability will be part of Diablo 3. In the previous games this was an inconvenience and a gold-sink, however, it also made game play more realistic.
A thread was recently begun on the forums, discussing this very concept. Here is the initial comment:
I looked around but wasn’t able to find anything about if durability will be making a return, i kind of hope it doesn’t as it was sort of a pain. Then again it is also a good way to keep players from getting super rich, so is it coming back?
and Bashiok’s response:
Quote from Bashiok
Probably (Source)
While that’s not exactly a definite answer, it does indicate that item durability will likely be a part of the game mechanic. Later on in the thread, he explains why item durability is important, and why it should be a necessary evil in Diablo 3:
Quote from Bashiok
Regardless of any arguments on specifics of how long it should take, or a burden to your mental capacity, it’s one of the few ways that gold can be drawn out in a nice steady stream and isn’t specific to any features or choice. It’s a constant deflation technique that counts on nothing more than someone playing the game (ie fighting monsters).
It’s a true gold sink, you get no real benefit from it, but it’s also one that makes sense thematically, is accepted as a game mechanic already, and hell, it works. I wouldn’t expect everyone to be cool with the concept of it, but hey, sometimes you have to do unpopular things to keep more important aspects in check (ie A working economy).
[ Post edited by Bashiok ] (Source)
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