Up until this point, no real information has been given as to whether or not there will be new weapon types added for Diablo 3, such as guns, for example. It’s been rumored that there will be, but no specifics have been leaked.
I for one don’t feel a need to see the introduction of new weapon types. I would however, be quite pleased if they added several variations to existing weapon types. It would be nice to have a multitude of different graphics for various swords, daggers, maces, bows, and so forth.
There is one exception though… it would be a nice touch if the Monk had access to a larger array of martial arts weapons. I suppose the staff, his fists and feet would be sufficient, but it would be cool if the Monk could wield a pair of Sais, Nunchaku or Tonfa.
As far as ranged weapons go… I feel like bows and crossbows are sufficient. The Diablo series has always had more primitive weapon types, which suits the game play quite well in my opinion. If they added guns to Diablo 3, then players would start wanting more types of engineered weaponry, as opposed to the medieval type of weaponry that is so at home in this type of game.
As with the other weapon types, I’d much prefer to see a plethora of bow and crossbow models, as opposed to a multitude of various types of ranged weapons. Something about a pistol or rifle in Diablo 3 just does not seem quite right.
Anyway, here’s what Bashiok had to say about the implementation of additional weapon types:
Quote from Bashiok
I don’t think throwing in new weapon types is necessary to keep weapons interesting, or that because we haven’t added a bunch of new ones means that we’re somehow failing.
We’re dealing with very classic weapons and types. Adding more for the sake of having more doesn’t mean it’s going to be better. And really, adding more at this point probably means that we’re going to start coming up with some really weird stuff.
Concentrated coolness. (Source)
“Concentrated Coolness”… that says it all. Focus on specific aspects of the game and make them awesome, rather than trying to include everything and doing it so-so.
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