Will players such as Witch Doctors be able to micro their pets (ie: minions)? In short, no.
Diablo 3 will not enable players to command their pets to attack certain targets, move to certain locations, etc. However, it sounds like their will be interesting gameplay mechanics that will provide players with opportunities to decide how best to use their pets in certain situations.
For pet classes like the Witch Doctor, it’s sounding as if there will be some degree of player/pet micro management that will allow players of a higher skill level to gain an advantage over others who are lacking. Rather than summon this pet when this one dies – rinse and repeat; it looks as if there will be many situations where players can execute better pet-based decision making.
At least that’s what I got from this post…
Quote from Bashiok
Sort of. Direct control of their actions, no, but there’s a lot of thought and strategy that can go in to pet control far beyond just summoning new ones when the old ones die. (Source)
As is often the case with Diablo 3 news, this post is somewhat cryptic, however, we can ascertain from it that pets will not be available for direct control. What is likely, is that players will probably have to make excellent decisions based upon which pet(s) to summon and when, and how to buff them for certain situations. Again, this is just a guess, but it seems to be where the new summoning mechanic is headed.
Of course, there are no real pet classes at this point apart from the Witch Doctor. Even then, the Witch Doctor is in actuality, a caster who relies upon spells for the bulk of their damage with summoning acting as more of a support ability. At least that’s what it’s looking like at this point.
As far as mercenaries go… that is unknown as of yet. Not being able to (ie: having to) micro pets is one thing, but it would be nice to be able to exercise a bit of control oer the mercenary’s actions.
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