Update: This post is now pretty irrelevant due to patch 2.0.5 removing white items as a necessary component for Legendary and Set item recipes, so it can now be more of a “where to find white items to feed your Goblin” post. 😉
Those of you who’ve acquired some crafting recipes may have grown a little frustrated over something that you’d assumed would be easy…acquiring the white piece of gear needed for the recipe. Although the Legendary mats can be tough to obtain, at least we know exactly where to go and which mob(s) we can get them from, but the whites…those are another story.
However…here are a few farming tips that may help those of you who might be scratching your heads – wondering where to go to get that 1 hand crossbow you need for crafting your Blitzbolter.
Best Method for Farming White Items
The absolute quickest and easiest way to farm white items is by starting on, but not completing, The Templar’s Reckoning quest. If you haven’t completed this quest (and I’m betting a lot of you have not, because it’s somewhat of a hidden side quest), this approach to white item farming is very fast and efficient. The area where the quest takes place contains 14 armor racks which can be looted in less than 90 seconds. The racks will always spawn 4 pieces of armor and 10 weapons.
If you haven’t completed this quest, you can leave and resume your game as often as you like, checking the racks every 2 mins or so.
To initiate the quest, open a game in Campaign Mode: Act V (unlocks at #3: The Harbinger), click on Kormac’s portrait and select ‘Talk’, then ‘The Templar’s Quest’.
You’ll go through some dialog with Kormac, then port off to the Secret Templar Stronghold to confront the Grand Maester. Once there, you can proceed through the stronghold, looting the armor racks – just don’t kill the Grand Maester. If you kill him you cannot re-enter this zone, but as long as you don’t complete the quest, you can come and go freely – retaining access to the best white-item-farming spot in the game.
If you did happen to complete the Templar’s quest, all is not lost. We’ve still got some great methods you can use which are practically just as good…
Looking for Armor Only? Here’s Just the Place!
Act V: Abandoned Siege Camp
This little piece of the map usually contains between 8 to 10 piles of Decaying Armor, all of which can be reached within about a minute or two. This is a fantastic place to farm for armor pieces, but…you won’t find any weapons or shields here.
If you want to really breeze through this area without any mobs slowing down your scavenger hunt, create a new game on a toon that’s completed Campaign Mode. Start the game on Act V, #8: Angel of Death, then head straight to the Abandoned Siege Camp Waypoint. You’ll be able to breeze through the area – looting all of the racks unimpeded by demons. This method can allow some of us less geared folks to pillage the area in T6 without fear of getting 2-shotted, and you never know…one of those racks could drop a perfectly rolled piece of Torment-Only armor.
To access this area in Adventure Mode, take the Battlefields of Eternity waypoint, then head for the portal to the Abandoned Siege Camp, which is always right nearby. There will be mobs in the area if you’re in Adventure Mode, so just farm it on which ever difficulty you’re comfortable with.
If your search consists solely of armor pieces, Abandoned Siege Camp is perhaps the best place to farm in the entire game.
Also worth mentioning…
Act V: Briarthorn Cemetery
You’ll be up to your armpits in hellspawn, but the memorials in the cemetery provide a decent source for white armor pieces. You can take the waypoint directly here in Adventure Mode to start searching and slaying.
Need White Weapons? Try the following places…
Act I: Halls of Agony & The Cursed Hold
These 4 maps are the best places for farming white weapons. The floors are rife with Torture Racks – all of which contain a weapon of some sort. When you reach the Cursed Hold you can exit out straight from the center and search for Radek the Fence in the Highlands Crossing. He’s a vendor that will often spawn in that location, and he may just have what you need. He can be a good source for shields and more exotic weapons, since those are typically harder to farm than other white pieces of gear.
Tip: Vendor loot refreshes every 15 minutes, so one technique you can use for farming is to park your character next to a vendor and simply return to check their inventory every 15-20 minutes. This method works great if you’re able to leave the game open while you’re busy doing something else.
Act III: Stonefort & Skycrown Battlements
While maybe not as bountiful as the Halls of Agony, Stonefort and Skycrown Battlements can also be good places to scavenge for weapons. The racks are a bit more spread out, but a sweep through the area usually yields about a dozen or so white weps.
Act V: Passage to Corvus
I still say halls of Agony if you’re going for weapons, but if you need a change of scenery, the Ancient Armaments in the Passage to Corvus can be a really good source for white weapons.
In Conclusion
Perhaps the best way to farm white items is to be thinking ahead somewhat while you’re out questing, doing bounties or rifting. While I do not feel that it’s necessary to keep one or two of everything in your stash, there are a few pieces you may want to be mindful of if they drop. In particular, exotic weapons such as: Suwaiya, Tecpatl and Penetrator are not the most common. Based on my experience, other less common weapons also include: Diabolic Wand, Steppes Smasher, Whirlwind Staff and Grandfather Flail.
YMMV, but keep this in mind if you should see these items drop while you’re out adventuring. Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it! 😉
Other items to be on the lookout for are Ascended Shields. Unlike weapons and armor which can be farmed in certain areas, shields have no farmable source. They can only be obtained through random drops or by purchasing from a vendor.
Apart from Radek the Fence, another decent source for vendor whites is the Fields of Misery. Two events can spawn in this area – both of which contain vendors. One is the House of Curios and the other is The Lost Mine; however, vendors are generally a poor source for farming white items because:
- A: They are random spawns
- B: They typically offer very few whites, and sometimes they may only offer sub-level 70 pieces.
My advice is to use the recommended farming locations above if you’re looking for armor or weapons, and as far as shields go, be on the lookout when you do encounter a vendor or see one drop out in the world.
I hope this guide helps some of you in your crafting endeavors!
Happy Hunting!
Joe says
Thanks for the tips, gonna be really useful!
Jus sting wondering for the Templar quest, would a campaign quest reset work?
Craig says
I would think that resetting the quests would make this available again, but I haven’t tried it. If you have completed it then that’s obviously worth a shot, or you could run through Campaign Mode on a different toon and get it again that way.
Johnc202 says
That alone wwas an egregious oversight on thheir own part, since fgaedddgaeck