Blizz has decided to announce their planned level cap for Diablo 3. As of now, the level cap for Diablo 3 is going to be 60. Blizzard has elected to implement an attainable level cap, rather than continue with the largely unattainable and rather inconsequential level cap of 99 that was part of Diablo 2. It's been stated that a player will likely reach max level once they've … [Read more...]
Skill Variants
Blizz recently announced on Diablo's Twitter page that there is going to be a massive amount of skill customization available to characters in Diablo 3. With base skills and rune combos combined, the number of possible skill variants has reached over 700! We knew that runes were going to add quite a bit of variety to skills and specializations, but sheesh... 700 … [Read more...]
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