Many players have recently complained about extremely low drop-rates for the Gibbering Gemstone, which was hard enough to get even when it used to be a 100% drop rate. The gemstone is a required component for the Staff of Herding, and it drops from a rare spawn mob within a rare spawn cave, which means it’s already tough to acquire. You can read more about farming the gemstone here.
April 29, 2014: Chiltara’s Spawn Rate to be Fixed Soon
An official announcement has been made (April 29) about fixing Chiltara’s spawn rate in an upcoming patch. Looks like the drop rate for the gemstone will still remain pretty low, but Chiltara will spawn much more frequently at least.
Quote from Grimiku
Hey, everyone!
I have some good news about Chiltara for those of you who’ve had a tough time finding her as of late. In a future patch, we’re going to increase the chance that she’ll spawn in the Caverns of Frost. Our intention with this change is to make it a bit easier for players to construct a Staff of Herding, but still keep the Gibbering Gemstone as the most difficult component to find:
Note that this change will only increase her spawn chance. The drop rates for the Gibbering Gemstone itself (as well as the Urn of Quickening, and Frozen Blood) will remain the same. (Source)
Patch 2.0.4 has dropped and still no fix for Chiltara. Blizz is still aware of the super low drop rate, but adjusting it is not a high priority at this time. 😐
This latest blue post states that the low drop rate, while maybe a bit too low, is intended; however, they do still intend to fix the drop rate in a future patch. Too bad it wasn’t fixed for 2.0.4, but sounds like it’s on the punch list at least.
Quote from Tsarnis
I wanted to post something here and mention this to clear up any confusion about it. Basically, due to changes implemented in patch 2.0.1 Chilltara is not appearing as often in the game world, which is making the Gibbering Gemstone more difficult to obtain that it was in patch 1.0.8.
We are aware of this and while this isn’t technically a bug (as this part of the Staff of Herding is meant to be the most difficult to obtain), we will be making an adjustment to Chiltara that should make this easier to obtain in a future patch.
We appreciate the reports and comments about this, but as we have officially addressed this here and in multiple other locations, additional reports about this are not needed. Thank you! (Source)
Previously, this abysmal drop rate was regarded as a bug, as confirmed by Blizzard here:
Quote from Vaneras
Posted by Shinobi
I have a feeling the Gemstone has been moved to somewhere in RoS act 5 since loot 2.0.
No it has not been moved to Act V, it still drops from Chiltara in the Caverns of Frost. There is a bug in play that has lowered the drop-rate dramatically so that it is now even rarer than it was before, but it still does drop. The current drop-rate is not intended and we are looking into fixing it, but there is no ETA yet though. (Source)
Quote from Vaneras
Posted by Mortiferus
Does the buggy drop rate currently depend on difficulty or is it the same low rate on e.g. normal or torment?
This bug is rather unusual from what I can understand, and unlike normal drop rates, difficulty doesn’t seem to matter much in this particular case. We should hopefully get this sorted out soon. (Source)
No word yet on when this will be fixed, and sadly, Patch 2.0.3 did not include any mention of it (nor did Patch 2.0.4).
We’ll keep our eyes and ears open for any new developments on this and will be sure to let you know once Blizz has addressed the issue!
jdc says
March 2014, running normal for speed, gem dropped for me on the 6th Chiltara kill. Frost cave is there approx. 50% or more of time, Chiltara seems to be about a 20% spawn in the 2nd level. Estimated time spent 4 hours.
Kelthiz says
You were lucky mate. I’ve been running that place for so long now, just vaulting through to 2nd floor, or restarting if wrong cave. Countless kills and no drops.
Geraldine says
No qusetion this is the place to get this info, thanks y’all.
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Lee says
2 days for at least 100 times with no gemstone, this is insane…
Roxie says
Same here. It’s crazy!
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if blizzard have known about this bug for (at least) a month, how come it is still unfixed?
Matty says
Pleinasg to find someone who can think like that
Zrateh says
Over 100 runs on the particular cave, and not even having Chiltara spawn…
This is the -only- item I need for the Staff.
Hope they fix it soon.
Roxie says
I know right? It’s getting ridiculous!
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kyle says
Complete bull crap. Blizzard is too worried about the expansion to worry about old content. I been running this for two weeks seen chiltara maybe 6 times and no drop. (over 80 hrs of farming) Screw it. Blizzard has known about it and doesn’t care. #RageQuit
maarten says
BoBRoK says
been trying for about 2 hours find the cave enough just cant find the person to kill never spawns for me 🙁
Craig says
Chiltara is not always in the Caverns of Frost, but be sure you fully explore the cave because she surfaces from underground. Even if you don’t see her, be sure to comb every inch of the map. She may just pop up and surprise you!
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You’ve really imespsred me with that answer!
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zortux says
this bug needs to be fixed. me and my friend have been trying to get the gibbering gemstone for like 3-4 hours and it feels useless to try again.
Chis'tnaa says
Been working on the Gibbering Gemstone for over a month now. Created roughly 500 games.
Getting the right cave is easier on adventure mode/bounties. If there is no Bounty, or it is for icefall or anything other, I leave and start a new game.
When the Caverns of Frost pop up as Bounty, I usually rush through to the 2nd level (the level in which Chiltara spawns). The Bounty task is to clear the cave. This mean, essentially, that -if- Chiltara has spawned with the cave, she will pop out on her own to allow you to fulfill the Bounty.
Sadly, I haven’t had the best of luck with her drop rate, but I’ve had her spawn at about once every 10 Caverns.
The spawn rate I’ve had for bounties in caverns of frost hasn’t been all that Lucky either, however, after the latest patch, it seems to have picked up. Could be the game or could just be my luck (or obvious lack of same).
Anyways, thought I’d just share the tip/technique.
I saw 2 people get the gemstone within an hour of each other a couple of nights ago, so it’s not impossible. Just gotta have better luck than me 😛
Best of luck to all the Hunters out there 🙂
Craig says
Chris’tnaa, I hope your luck improves, and thank you for sharing the info!
David says
Looks like they are fixing the rate at which she appears in the cave tomorrow.
Drop rate will still be low however…
Bazz Freeman says
Chiltara now appears every time the caverns of Frost spawn. No problem there. in 50 kills she’s only EVER dropped one rare and some gold.
No gem, no other crafting mats.
AleKatz says
Ok, so…. after killing Chiltara over 200 times (thats when i stopped the count) i still got NO FREAKING STONE!
i want my gibbering stone!!!! there is no way that i could have killed her that many times and i get no stone.
Is this going to be fixed?
Prat says
So not only has there been a bug for over two years now that makes the staff vanish once you have it, it’s now HARDER to make? Wow… I’ve had THREE infernal staves vanish while I was logged out and they won’t even admit there is a bug that causes this.
joliet says
I’ve been farming this everyday for about a week. I’ve killed her well over 200 times and no gemstone. Incredibly frustrating. I will add that I’ve been on my seasonal character, Torment II in Adventure Mode. I’ve read this shouldn’t matter, but *shrug*.
Rosie biggles says
Chiltara spawns almost every Frost Cavern now. But I went up ten levels rushing through to Level 2 cavern to farm it. Made 750,000 gold without selling any gear…. No gemstone. The drop rate is broken. I wish I’d seen this thread before I spent so much time trying. I even saw two Rainbow Goblins while farming.
sondre says
Ive done this spesific run, nothing else for 2 days straight now, thats about 150runs, and it still havent dropped………..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KitKat says
I’ve done this run for almost 6 months now. No exaggeration. Every time the Caves of Frost have spawn, she’s in there. Every single time. Icefall caves only spawn once out of every 10 runs, no caves spawn once out of every 20 or so. Now, with that kind of run rate, you would assume I would have gotten the stone by now. I haven’t. I’ve solo’ed and grouped this run, and no one has obtained the stone. So to put that in perspective – that’s roughly 4 runs a day (depending on how bored I am) for 6 months – estimated runs 744 (based only on 4 runs a day, I know I’ve done way more)…. and not a single stone to show for it. I realize it should be difficult to obtain the stone, but it shouldn’t be impossible to do so. At this point I’d put the drop rate at .001%. I would say 0 but you know, other people have gotten it. How, I don’t know, but they have.
Jeff says
This is retarded, blizz needs to fix this.
Josef farrugia says
It very stupid to make the drop rate of chitarra so low, i am very dissapointed
Brian says
Been trying to get my genstone for about a week now with over 300 runs and stil no stone. I have a million blood potions but no stone. I’m on Xbox 360 with all the updates. Why blizzard why
Jimmy says
March 2015 now, I have been farming chiltara for the stone for 2 weeks on t6 with a full party. It has not been dropped for any of us!!! This is a bit ridiculous since whismyshire isn’t even that great. Basically it just has 2 transmog items that you can get and that’s it. Either fix it so it has a higher drop rate or put more stuff into whismyshire to make it worth While.
Jimmy says
Apparently the stones drop rate is .00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% I would say lower but I I got tired holding down 0
Bertha says
Apiirceatpon for this information is over 9000-thank you!
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krusinac says
800 kills… no stone. In core game when it came out… killed chiltara and got stone onfirst drop and every drop after… blizz needs to fix this crap… im on ps3 … why doesnt blizz just allow cross platform play?? All my work on pc useless for other platforms I have infernal staff on pc… fix drop rate or allow cross platform play so we can use everything we have on all systems
Charmaine says
I’ve been trying for 4 years now, averaging 10 hrs of playing everyday. Yes I don’t work, and no I still have not found a single gibbering gemstone.
ChefWilliam31 says
Blizzard is letting everyone complain about the Gibbering Gemstone. They are making money just to have Diablo 3 on XBox and Playstation 3 & 4. If they wanted to fix the drop rate they would have done it already. I been farm Act III and made over 3 MILLION IN GOLD BY SELLING USELESS GEAR.
ChefWilliam31 says
By the way all you gamers that play Diablo 3. Try to use gear that finds items or rare drops. That’s the best way you might find legdenary items and might get the Gibbering Gemstone. Just a thought.
that one shadow jerk says
i got d3 with the expansion in late last dec i got to lvl 70 and have farmed the cave atleats 4 hours a day every other day so ive had the game for almost 5 months and i havent seen the stone chilthara has spawned every time but still no stone to show im agreing with most of you blizz dosent seem to care
Drunk monkey says
Total BS Iv wasted 4days of non stop playing while I was sick and couldn’t attend work just trying to obtain this item. I decided today after reading this forum there is no point in continuing typical blizzard push around
sam says
Poop, pure and utter poop.
Alice says
I’ve been trying to get this fricken stone for ten hours straight now on ps3. I tried everything. Even goofy stuff like fast forward the date of the ps3 or kill everything in the cave, or nothing but her. I’m so sick of this. Blizzard- I’m pissed
CT says
I’ve finally got it again. I have no idea how many attempts it has taken. Before I patched , I did earn one on my first play through. But I sold it during the middle of my second play through not knowing what it was for. I started farming for it again at lvl 70 pgn 40 on torment 2 just got it @ pgn 78 and all these attempts after the first time were with a friend (he is actually the one that picked it up.) I’ll have to admit that after so much work, I was quite a bit disappointed in Whismshire. Although I did enjoy Killing unicorns and teddy bears. But I do feel a great sense of accomplishment after getting the rarest creating material in the game.
John says
Man all that time playing video games. Sounds like alot of wasted life if you ask me. These games aren’t made to entertain. They are made to keep you occupied and pissed. As long as that agenda is accomplished all else is secondary or shit so keep playing over and over again just pissing yourselves off. I bet some of you would love to kick some of blizzards employees ass huh? Go kick em in their gemstones and make them gibber!!!!
Chris says
Such bullshit.. I’ve been farming CoF for days now and the Gem hasn’t dropped… I find the rare mob regularly and she doesn’t drop the gem at all… was this shit never fixed or am I missing something?? Paragon 53 and playing on Torment 3, Shits ridiculous…
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