The Hellfire Amulet . . . a sought after Legendary which can potentially be a best-in-slot item for nearly any build. What makes the Hellfire Amulet so special is its unique secondary stat which gives you a random passive appropriate for your class. Depending on how you roll this - the Hellfire Amulet … Continue Reading
Featured Guide
Featured Builds

The Marvelous Avenger: A Crusader 1H + Shield Build
Most Crusader builds can work well with either a one-handed or a two-handed weapon, switching out Heavenly Strength for Fervor, depending on the better weapon drop you get. But … [Read More...]

Fiery Wrath Crusader
In keeping with our attempts to provide elemental diversity, we offer you a Crusader with a fire theme. The overwhelming majority of Crusaders are speccing holy at this time, … [Read More...]
Recent Commentary

Patch 2.1.1 – Someone is clearly into fetishes
It’s not been long since patch 2.1, but another update has already arrived, a bit faster than expected. Sadly, it does not contain much. It looks particularly like a short love letter to Witch Doctors using a pet … Continue Reading

Patch 2.1 and How it Affects You
An analysis of the new patch Patch 2.1 came, and the world didn’t turn on its edge. Instead, many casual Diablo players were left with largely the same experience (albeit marginally improved) while other dedicated … Continue Reading

Pet Survivability to be Buffed in Future Patch
Game designer John Yang chimed in on the forums recently to let players know that Blizz is currently working to improve pet survivability. The goal is to have pet survivability match the player's - improving the way … Continue Reading
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