I just activated my D3 CE game key, so I thought I'd post a few pics showing what the collector's edition dyes look like when applied to my current armor. Here's my current armor. Nothing much to look at, as well my son applied a few goofy dye colors to some of the pieces...for fun. Now here's the same armor with each of the Diablo 3 Collector's Edition dyes … [Read more...]
Diablo 3 Collector’s Edition Dyes
A lot of fuss has been made over what sort of "effects" the Diablo 3 Collector's Edition dyes will apply to gear. Due to the flavor of the tooltip text, players were thinking that the dyes would be adding some sort of "particle effect" to their characters' gear, when in fact, it's nothing more than just a color. However, the dyes in the CE are bottomless, meaning players will … [Read more...]
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