Frenzy Barb was my favorite build in Diablo 2 and it looks like it may as well hold true for Diablo 3 as well. I found this Diablo 3 Beta footage of a Frenzy Barb absolutely murdering The Skeleton King, while barely taking any damage in the process. He had some sort of slowing effect he was placing on the Skeleton King - probably by way of a cold enchantment on his weapon(s) - … [Read more...]
Beta Video: Female Barbarian vs The Skeleton King
There's some really nice footage of the Diablo 3 beta up on YouTube, featuring a female Barbarian battling her way through the end of Act 1. The player has done a good job of revealing the spell book at the beginning, as well as demonstrating some of the different class abilities. You also get a look at one of the new Followers -- Kormac the Templar. The video ends with the … [Read more...]
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