've slogged your way through Sanctuary - slaughtering hordes of demons and foul beasts - but now you're ready for a land of sunshine, teddy bears, cupcakes, flowers and pretty pink unicorns. If you're reading this guide then chances are you've heard of this maybe just need to know how to get there. Well, here's what you need to know about unlocking Diablo … [Read more...]
Finding the Caverns of Frost and Gibbering Gemstone
Of all the ingredients required to craft the Staff of Herding (needed for reaching Whimsyshire), the Gibbering Gemstone is by far the most difficult one to acquire. For this reason, I decided to create a guide to aid you in your quest to obtain it. Update: The drop rate for the Gibbering Gemstone has been nerfed to bits. Blizz is aware of the issue and is hoping to fix it … [Read more...]
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