Ever wonder how the various Diablo books relate to the actual game storyline? Did you even know that there were fantasy books written around the Diablo storyline? Well now you do. ;) In fact, there have actually been quite a few books that have been published with stories that vary from loosely based, to tales that paint scenes and images directly based upon actual in-game … [Read more...]
I First Started Playing Diablo in 2000
I first discovered the game in 2000, when I purchased it at a local Costco for a mere $9.99USD. At that time, I hadn't played video games since I'd sold my Sega Genesis console about 5 years earlier. I was definitely not a "gamer" so to speak. It was at this time that I'd had recently broke up with a girlfriend of a few years, was living alone, and had been looking for … [Read more...]
A Touch of Evil
There we go... now this place is starting to look like a Diablo 3 site. :) I'd like to thank End Soft Design for letting me have my way with their wonderful Witcher Mind theme. I'd also like to thank Blizzard for making that Diablo 3 fansite kit available for download off of their site. Now that this site is starting to look like a Diablo 3 blog, I better get to writin'! … [Read more...]
Under Construction
Please excuse the goofy graphics and so forth while we're setting up shop here. Within a few days I'll have this blog nice and evil, but until then you're going to have to make do with this template as-is. I find that the best way to get a new blog site started is to launch it and start posting. By producing some content it forces me to get on the ball and dress things up … [Read more...]
Welcome To AncientAvenger.com
The purpose of this site is to provide news, resources and information pertaining to Blizzard's upcoming sequel to the incredibly popular Diablo franchise, Diablo III. Diablo, Diablo II and D2 Lord of Destruction are without a doubt, the greatest RPG hack and slash dungeon crawler games of all time. Diablo 3 should prove to be no exception. … [Read more...]
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