The first phase of beta testing for Reaper of Souls has officially begun! Provided all goes smoothly, this means we should hopefully be seeing this expansion sometime in late-March or early April, just after the closure of the RMAH. What’s most exciting about this announcement is how Blizz is handling this portion of the beta. Instead of allowing only friends and family of Blizzard employees, Blizz has elected to seek additional input from valued media outlets and, most importantly, active members of the Diablo 3 gaming community. Blizzard has invited 3,000 of the most active Diablo 3 players from around the world to participate in this first round of beta testing. This is great news, because it shows Blizzard’s passion for really wanting to deliver with this next expansion.
Blizz made some mistakes with D3, and although the game failed to live up to its hype at the time of release, I don’t think that was necessarily a bad thing. I think the devs are going to work especially hard to deliver an expansion that is fully deserved of the Diablo namesake. Opening up the F&F beta like this is a display of humility, and shows that Blizzard is actively listening to what the community wants.
Reaper of Souls is likely going to be the Diablo 3 that fans expected to see back in May of 2012.
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